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Ck2 Add Holding Slotl


As of the Monks and Mystics Expansion version, there were 4,457 holdings in the world in 1066, with potential for up to 5,190. As the map receives further updates, the number of holdings may increase.

There are five types of settlements, each with a different set of buildings. Each form of government has preferred and allowed settlements, and will get "Wrong government type" (-75% levies and income) penalty while holding other types of settlements directly. Hindu characters will suffer opinion penalties if they have holdings which do not match their caste. Also, they cannot be granted such holdings directly.

Ck2 Add Holding Slotl

Castles correspond to feudal rule. They are normally ruled by nobles, and their buildings are mostly focused on the military. Castles often have the highest level of fortification among all holding types.As a feudal lord/lady, castles will be the bread and butter of your demesne, but they won't bring in income comparable to temples and cities. As a Christian feudal ruler, the player will have severe income and levy penalties for having holdings other than castles. On the other hand, most of your levies will originate from castles, especially heavy infantry and all types of cavalry. Meanwhile, Muslim iqta rulers are allowed to freely rule over castles and temples without penalties. Hindu characters who hold castles are expected to be of the Kshatriya caste.

A Nomadic capital is a special holding for the capital of khagans and khans. When a nomadic ruler moves their capital, all buildings are transported to the new location, although some may become inactive (such as the "fishing village" and "harbor" in a landlocked province).

Forts are also particularly useful when warring against Unreformed Pagans as they negate the attrition bonus in provinces holding a friendly one. With its building speed, if the player reacts fast enough, it is possible to negate the attrition before their army even starts taking losses!

It is also possible to build a fort in any owned province, and the character's enemies will be forced to besiege it before sieging other holdings. Thus, it can be a good idea to build forts in border provinces to delay enemies, granting the character time to assemble levies without extensive damage done to holdings (e.g. due to raids).

Family palaces are the essential capital holdings of patricians in merchant republics (requires The Republic Expansion). In early starts, they are often the only holdings of vassal patricians. No character or dynasty can own more than one family palace. These holdings have no province, but provide troops (which spawn in the republic's capital if the patrician owns no other land) and money to their owner. Family palaces are always inherited by the heir of a patrician family, and cannot be usurped or revoked, leaving the family only if it ceases to exist (by having no male family members).

Trade posts provide income to patricians and controllers of Silk Road provinces (the Silk Road requires Horse Lords or Jade Dragon DLC). Every coastal province has room for one trade post, though this slot is distinct from regular holdings. Trade posts focus on providing money, and the more trade posts of the same owner there are in a connected trade zone, the more money they will provide individually. Trade posts have their own limit, independent of demesne limit, which is determined by technology and the size of the patrician family. This limit is solely for building new trade posts, with no repercussions to owning more than the limit, should the limit decrease.

Hospitals help to protect provinces from disease and depopulation. Additional upgrades to this holding can also produce piety, tech points etc. The Reaper's Due DLC is required in order to build hospitals and to appoint a court physician.

Great works, also called wonders of the world, are special holdings that are constructed at great cost and confer lasting benefits. Great works bring new ways to spend a dynasty's amassed fortune by creating new developments that can provide bonuses for the character, its family, and the realm.

For most government types, an empty holding slot represents nothing more than the potential to eventually construct a useful holding. For tribes, however, empty holding slots directly increase the levies and income of the tribal holding in the province, as each empty slot gives a +50% bonus. For nomads, empty holding slots are vital, as they determine the maximum population of the nomadic clan, which in turn determines the manpower available for horde troops.

It is possible to gain additional empty holding slots, but it takes time, wealth and some luck. There are two events associated with this, one is gained from high prosperity, the other from great works. The province which is to gain the empty holding slot through prosperity must be at prosperity level 3 (Booming) (requires The Reaper's Due DLC), and the crown focus set at the said province. Given time, an event can occur which offers the choice of creating an empty settlement slot for 250% of yearly income. It has an MTTH of 65 years, decreasing by 10% if you have higher stewardship and/or learning (breakpoints being 12, 16 and 18). The same 10% apply if the ruling character has the lifestyle administrator , architect , scholar or gardener ; the trait diligent; the education scholarly theologian , mastermind theologian , charismatic negotiator , grey eminence , fortune builder or midas touched . If the character is not independent, it increases by 20%.

As mentioned before, it is also possible to get a holding slot through an event called "A Town is Born" associated with a local great work. To get this event, the ruler must not be at war, the great work must be at least 50 years old and the great work must have at least two upgrades. You can not get this event twice in one province.

Note that the last two levels of "castle towns" do not need further "wall" upgrades. If "wall" upgrades are taken into account, there is a gradual progression for how long it takes to get a return on investments. It is displayed on that assessment that aiming for level 1 firstly in all owned holdings, then going to the next level and so on, makes the most sense.

A character can build new holdings in any province they directly or indirectly control. The new holding becomes part of the builder's demesne and they are not obliged to grant it to the county's owner. However, the county's owner will get a -25 opinion penalty, because they desire that barony. As such, building new holdings in lands held by non-direct vassals is a good idea, as their opinion is largely irrelevant to the player character.

Building new holdings is usually more relevant if the player is isolated and their realm is under-developed at the selected start date. On the flip side, rich realms can further strengthen themselves by building more holdings after upgrading their existing ones.

A province can contain multiple settlements, such as castles, temples, cities, tribes, a nomadic capital, as well as other special holdings. The capital settlement type usually corresponds to the ruler's government type, which affects vassal obligations and opinion of liege. If the ruler grants the county title to a baron-level vassal with a different government type, their existing settlement becomes the new capital. It is also possible to change the capital directly, if the player character holds both the current capital and the target settlement which would become the new capital.

When a player chooses a bookmark to start a game session, each playable province begins with a number of already-built common holdings. As the game progresses, a character may build extra settlements up to the province's slot limit. A province may have from 1 to 7 buildable slots. At each province, it is also possible to build special holdings, as follows: a fort, a hospital and a trade post - if their requirements are met.

A province with prosperity level 3 (Booming) has a chance to allow to ruler to permanently add a holding slot for a price, up to a maximum of 7 total. Prosperity mechanics require The Reaper's Due DLC.

Counts are the lowest-level playable rulers of most government types. A character must at least be a count before they can be granted higher-tier titles, such as duchies or kingdoms. The count (or equivalent) who controls a province's capital is the de jure ("rightful"), and usually the de facto (in fact), liege of all holdings pertaining to the province. Usually, the capital is a castle holding.

If the liege sets a city holding as the new capital of a province, a vassal republic is created at that province. On the other hand, if a temple is chosen as the province's capital, the cleric assigned there becomes the county's ruler and a vassal theocracy is formed. Note that Muslim realms do not have theocracies.

A Barony is the lowest rank of landed titles and the only rank that is not playable (although they may be held by playable characters). Each county has 1-7 baronies, which will always be in the same realm as the county they're part of. Baronies may be sparsely populated or have a holding.

Each barony may have a holding, which represents the main settlement inside it and is required to be able to use the barony. Constructing a new holding will create a title for that barony, which may be held or given to another character. Baronies that are not a county capital can be granted to a Courtier; when constructing holdings in a Vassal's county, the holder of the County title will automatically receive the holding once construction is complete. All holdings are constructed at level 1 and can be upgraded up to level 4. Constructing or upgrading a holding takes 5 years (before any bonuses/penalties).

Each holding has a number of slots for buildings. Most holdings have 3 building slots. If the holding is the County Capital, it will have 4 slots; if it's also the Duchy Capital, it will have a 5th slot reserved for duchy buildings. Certain holdings have a dedicated slot for special buildings. 2ff7e9595c

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