What people are asking--and I've run into this myself--is that you can install otf/ttf fonts in Windows and they will NOT be accessible in Acrobat DC. If you're trying to repair a document from someone else, that uses a given font and you can't find it via DC for either the File-Print to Adobe PDF--edit method, or the Preflight method, then you can't do the work.
Akkurat Light Pro
The sans-serif typeface Akkurat, designed by the talented Swiss designer Laurenz Brunner and released in 2004 by the font foundary Lineto, features heavily in The Phaidon Archive of Graphic Design. It has its own page, for one, which incorporates an insightful text celebrating the functional font's clean and crisp character. But it also features within entries for Baseline Magazine (a typographic journal that employs Akkurat as one of its primary faces), Julia Born's 2004 publication "Beauty and the Book" (a wonderful project that sets its content in Brunner's font), and Joost Grootens' 2005 "Metropolitan Word Atlas" (a beautifully designed compendium of complex mapping information). Like Helvetica before it, Akkurat has all but taken over the graphic design world. We asked Brunner, now based in Berlin, to shed some light.
A font can be embedded only if it containsa setting by the font vendor that permits it to be embedded. Embeddingprevents font substitution when readers view or print the file,and ensures that readers see the text in its original font. Embeddingincreases file size only slightly, unless the document uses CIDfonts. a font format commonly used for Asian languages. You canembed or substitute fonts in Acrobat or when you export an InDesigndocument to PDF.
If you have difficulty copying and pasting textfrom a PDF, first check if the problem font is embedded (File >Properties > Font tab). For an embedded font, try changing thepoint where the font is embedded, rather than sending it insidethe PostScript file. Distill the PDF without embedding that font.Then open the PDF in Acrobat and embed the font using the Preflightfixup.
Wer über das 16 Hektar große Areal auf ehemaligem Sumpfland flaniert, vorbei an roten, neo-georgianischen Backsteinhäusern mit weißen Fensterrahmen und pittoresken Glockentürmchen, über akkurat gestutzte Rasenflächen und den weiß-schwarzen Marmor der Baker Library, der spürt: Wandel fällt schwer, wenn Tradition so schwer wiegt. Etwa das enge Verhältnis zur Wall Street: Namensgeber und Stifter der Bibliothek ist George F. Baker, Teilhaber der First National Bank, aus der später die Citibank wurde, die sich zuletzt nicht gerade mit Ruhm bekleckert hat. 2ff7e9595c